De-provision Google Chrome OS Devices in Bulk with GW Manager
Welcome to GW Manager.
In this video, I will show you how you can bulk de-provision Google Chrome OS devices with GW Manager.
First, let us launch the GW Manager extension in the sheet.
For that, you will go to Google Sheet and click on Extensions. Here, you should go to GW Manager and click on Launch.

If you do not see GW Manager here, please watch our add-on installation video to learn more about the installation options.
Once the add-on loads, you will go to Manage Chrome OS devices under Features. From here, you will click on Chrome OS Device Actions as we need to take actions on these devices.
GW Manager recognizes that we don't have an action sheet inserted yet. We will click on Execute to insert that sheet.

Once that sheet is inserted, this is asking us for the device ID of the device on which we need to take an action on (de-provision).
For the name of the action, lets hover on the column header, we can see all possible actions and their values here like reenable, de-provision.
We also see that we can write de-provision reason (it is required for the de-provisioning devices case).

First we need to get the device IDs of the devices that we want to de-provision. For that, I would recommend you to watch our video on Export Chrome OS Devices with GW Manager to list all devices including the device id, asset and serial number.
When you export devices with GW Manager, the export’s first sheet column will give you device id of all your devices.
You can copy the required device ids from that sheet, come back to this action sheet and paste those IDs here.
And under action, we will just put in de-provision, let us also put a reason as it's required when we are doing a de-provisioning operation.
We can choose any of these Google provided reasons, I'll go with the retiring device.

We just have one Chrome device to test, so we will de-provision it now, but in your case, you might have thousands of devices, and GW manager is capable of handling even 100,000 devices in one go based on the infrastructure that we have at the back-end.
Now, let me go to Admin Console and do a quick refresh, and you will see that we have one device and it is in provisioned status, and it's time to de-provision it with GW Manager.

Once I have the information here in the sheet, all I need to do is click on Execute.
If you want to schedule these operations, you can also watch our video to understand how you can schedule those for the future. For now, we'll click on Execute.
Please note, that you should have either super admin or delegated administrator role with required permissions in Google Workspace to complete this operation.

In just a few seconds (may vary depending on how many devices you are trying to de-provision) GW Manager will come back and tell us the status.
It tells us that the action is successfully performed.

Let's go back and do a quick refresh in our Google Workspace Admin Console, and we can confirm that the given chrome devices are deprovisioned.

When we click on any device to expand the details, we should also see the de-provisioning reason we wrote (e.g retired from the fleet).

This is how you can bulk de-provision Google Chrome OS devices with GW Manager. You can do much more with GW Manager, and we are constantly adding new features based on customers' requests.
For more information, please visit our website, Thank you for reading.
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