Bulk Export Google Workspace Users with GW Manager
Welcome to GW Manager.
In this video, I will show you how to export your users from Google Workspace to Google Sheet with GW Manager.

I'm in my Google sheet, click on extensions. I have the GW Manager installed here.
If you need help with the installation, please visit our website gwmanager.com.

I'll click on launch, to launch GW Manager in the sidebar.
Once the tool is launched, we will go to feature, manage users, under users, we will go to export users.
GW manager recognizes that we don't have the export sheet inserted yet, so it gives us an option to insert that sheet.
If you do not want to insert these sheets one by one, you can also go to manage utilities and then select insert all sheets, execute.
It'll insert all the sheets at once, so that you can deal with any of these functions.
For now, I will go back to manage users, select export users and click on insert sheet, Execute.

GW Manager has inserted a sheet which does not require any input because we are just exporting the users.
I will just click on run export users and then click on execute.
Within a few seconds, it'll give us an export of our users In Google Workspace.
As you see, it provided us all the information, including users id, primary email, first name, last name, org unit, recovery email address (if user has one), recovery phone number, domain name, if the user is super admin or delegated admin, if the user is suspended, archived or deleted.

When was the last login time, when was the user created, deletion date (in case if the user is deleted), as you see some of the users here, they were deleted.
You can also see if they have enrolled into two factor authentication, if it's been enforced, are they included in global address list, their gender, website, location, aliases (in case if they have any), if the mailbox is set up, and some additional information like, agreed to terms, et cetera.
This is how you can quickly export your Google Workspace users in Google Sheet, and if needed you can also filter this information with Google Sheet filters.
You can do much more with GW Manager.
To learn more, please visit our website, gwmanager.com.
Thank you for reading.
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